Create BETTER TRAVEL VIDEOS with the EXPERT Look Of Custom LUTS!

Finally, I created something special to help you EASILY apply an amazing color grade to your video footage! 

If you’re at a point in your video production journey where you KNOW your footage could look a LOT better, but you’re not sure exactly HOW, then we need to talk COLOR GRADING.

Color grading is what takes a video from looking like this…. to looking like this (please engage slider)

Before imageAfter image


Color grading seems simple- a little more contrast, a little more saturation, right?

No, not really. 

Not for that ‘pro’ look anyway.

This is a good example of the popular Hollywood ‘Teal & Orange’ look. Both of my LUTS packs contain a few variations of this effect and it can look STUNNING in travel videos. 


Before imageAfter image


Or, LUTS can simply smooth and brighten skin tone in vlogs – one of my favorite applications for them. 

In fact, my MOST USED LUT in AMaeTV travel videos from the start until 2018 is this one- SKIN WIN. It’s a simple way to brighten up a look and bring a talking head shot to life!


Before imageAfter image


You’ll find the ‘Skin Win’ LUT in the PRETTY PACK.

This LUT PACK includes several other options designed especially for travel vloggers to simply look brighter and BETTER on camera while traveling. 


Before imageAfter image


Color grading can be complex. In fact, it’s an entire sub-topic of video editing!

Fortunately, you don’t have to spend hours learning the art of color grading to get that ‘pro’ look in your videos. LUTS are easy to download, easy to apply, and easy to adjust to your tastes.

They shave off TONS of time you might spend color grading, when you could be out filming your next big travel video. 

You can create AWESOME COLOR in your videos w/ my video LUT PACKS! But first, some FAQ’s. 


LUTS are like filters, or presets for video. They are expertly designed, yet super simple to apply. They work in Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, DaVinci Resolve, and other professional editing applications.

LUTS are the EASIEST way to add an awesome color grade to your video footage.


The question really is, do you need color grading.

Assuming your image is the correct exposure and the while balance is ok, it’s easy to look at at a clip and think, ‘yeah, that looks good’!

Until you apply a LUT.

Once you apply a gorgeous LUT to your footage, you can’t unsee it.

And when you look back at the original footage you will likely think ‘oh WOW, I can’t believe I thought that looked good’!

Top notch color grading simply makes everything look SO much better.

So back to the question, do you need LUTS?

Well, you can certainly try out color grading on your own, but using a LUT will give you a one-click JUMP START to something awesome.

LUTS will save you countless hours of guesswork and wondering if your color looks good.

It’s likely that by the time you’re at this step in the editing process you’re just ready to just BE DONE.

MY LUTS help you GET IT DONE and done well.


There are a few unique things about my LUT packs.

1. They were designed with BEAUTY in mind. Not drama.

SO many LUTS out there are created for Hollywood style films that convey deep, dark, dramatic drama!

I don’t know about you, but unlike the blockbuster movies, it’s rare I want to express sadness, grief, or despair in my travel vlogs.

That’s just me!

I just want to make things pretty. And by offering these LUTS I want to make YOU look your best. I want to make that awesome place you’re visiting look its best, and I want to make your video look AMAZING!

2. They were designed for YOUR footage.

AMaeTV LUTS were designed for entry level to prosumer camera footage- a format called Rec 709. This is what you would shoot on your Canon G7x, Sony RX 100, Canon M50, Rebel, or 80D, GoPro, DJI devices, and so many other cameras. 

These LUTS are NOT for LOG footage. If you’ve ever seen a super grey looking image in a LUT before and after, it’s probably shot in LOG format. This is a highly professional format and it requires a specialized LUT. Many LUTS on the market are designed for LOG footage and they will not work well on regular Rec 709 format footage.

AMaeTV LUTS are designed for the footage you are actually shooting!

3. They give you plenty of options.

While many LUT packs are priced similarly, they only include 2-3 options. My LUT packs each include 10+ LUTS to give you a variety of looks to play around with.

4. They include all of my love and support.

With any LUT PACK purchase, you will also get a quick video tutorial on how to install them into Final Cut, and resources on how to install them into Premiere and other systems. I am open and available to answer any questions you may have, and I am truly dedicated to helping you achieve an awesome color grade by using these video filters.

Don’t believe me? Join my FB group- Travel Film Friends– and post a video clip. I will tell you exactly what I recommend for the color grade and talk with you about how my LUTS can help.

Or, you can always reach out directly to me at AMaeTV (at) Gmail (dot com)

LUTS will give your videos a professional, color graded look in almost no time at all.

If you haven’t seen the video, including an introduction to color grading and introducing my LUT PACKS, then please watch it now! 


LUT PACK #1 – The Pretty Pack 

This set of 11 beautiful LUTS is designed to enhance skin tones, correct flaws, and make you look more vibrant and ALIVE in your videos. 

LUTS are compatible with Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, and Photoshop
These LUTS were designed to work best on standard Rec. 709 footage


  • 11 Skin Tone Enhancing / Correcting LUTS in .cube file format
  • My ‘Go To’ LUT for almost ALL of my travel vlogging ‘talking head’ shots
  • Tutorial video on how to install and use these LUTS (it’s super easy)

Due to the downloadable nature of this product, there are no refunds or exchanges available.
Please be sure to e-mail [email protected] with any questions before or after your purchase.

LUT PACK #2 – The Cinema Pack 

This set of 13 awesome LUTS is designed for both landscapes and humans in mind. You can really get creative with these and create some awesome looks!

LUTS are compatible with Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, and Photoshop
These LUTS were designed to work best on standard Rec. 709 footage


  • 13 Cinema Style LUTS in .cube file format
  • My unique ‘Instagram’ inspired film look
  • Tutorial video on how to install and use these LUTS (it’s super easy)

Due to the downloadable nature of this product, there are no refunds or exchanges available.
Please be sure to e-mail [email protected] with any questions before or after your purchase.


This bundle packages all 24 of my LUTS into one complete set! With this option you are SURE to get a variety of amazing colors and styles suited for skin tones, travel footage, landscapes, cityscapes, and more!


  • 24 Complete LUTS in .cube file format
  • Every LUT in both the Pretty Pack and the Cine Pack.
  • Tutorial video on how to install and use these LUTS (it’s super easy)

Due to the downloadable nature of this product, there are no refunds or exchanges available.
Please be sure to e-mail [email protected] with any questions before or after your purchase.

Got Questions?

Please reach out to [email protected] for answers 👍🏼